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Global VoD buffer rate down by 50 per cent

In terms of the average bitrate, European VoD saw an 8 per cent increase YoY, and linear TV recorded and 11 per cent increase, said NPAW

The first 6 months of 2024 saw a large global increase in quality of experience, with a 54 per vent decrease in buffer ratio for Video-on-Demand (VOD) services, compared to the same period last year, says video analytics company NPAW.

According to the company, the decrease represents a worldwide shift in the quality of streaming video services and is an indication of the global commitment of OTTs, telcos and broadcasters to providing better streaming quality.

Linear TV buffer ratio improved remarkably in H1 2024, with a global decrease of 34 per cent vs H1 2023 and 24 per cent vs H2 2023, added the company.

“Telcos, broadcasters and OTTs are investing heavily, thus improving the overall quality of the streaming video landscape. With new players entering the market regularly, it’s becoming much more competitive. We are seeing the world rapidly shift away from traditional TV and towards streaming providers,” said Ferran G. Vilaró, NPAW CEO and co-founder.

The company added that in terms of the average bitrate, European VoD saw an 8 per cent increase YoY, and linear TV recorded and 11 per cent increase.