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ITV reports 52 per cent reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2023

Content delivery emissions are also being closely monitored, as ITV works with key suppliers to improve its understanding of the impact on emissions of the growth in digital streaming, said the broadcaster

ITV has announced significant successes in meeting its climate action targets, publishing its Climate Transition Plan in tandem with its wider Social Impact Report.

The broadcaster confirmed both Scope 1 and 2 emissions have fallen in line with targets, down by 52 per cent on its 2019 baseline year. Progress was made during 2023 through consolidation of ITV’s London office space and the modernising of numerous sites, resulting in lower energy consumption. Further reductions were achieved by increasing the proportion of hybrid or electric vehicles across the ITV fleet.

Carolyn McCall, chief executive officer at ITV said: “As an integrated producer, broadcaster and streamer, reflecting and shaping the world we live in gives us a great opportunity. We can change ITV for the better and use our content and reach to inspire positive change in the wider world. I’m proud of the impact we’ve made in 2023.”

ITV said it is continuing to work across its diverse supply chain by supporting suppliers who may not have the resources to address emissions in isolation, engaging and collaborating to jointly improve practices and address ambitions, said the company.

Content delivery emissions are also being closely monitored, as the broadcaster works with key suppliers to improve its understanding of the impact on emissions of the growth in digital streaming.

Director of social purpose at ITV, Susie Braun, added: “Our 2023 Social Purpose Impact Report highlights the power of ITV to make a positive difference in society.”

The full report is available here.