After succeeding in crucial tests, the time is right for real product integration according to exhibitor Cube-Tec. Encapsulated into FIMS — the Framework for Interoperable Media Services —inter-company workflows are made easy, the company says, even with specialised modules for format conversion, QC, automatic MXF file repair or proxy file generation. In relation to FIMS, CubeTec claims that Cube Workflow is especially flexible; it is able to orchestrate FIMS workflows. In addition, Cube Workflow QC sub-system can be called as a FIMS service by MAM systems.
At the 2014 FKTG Symposium in Cologne in May, IBM, Rohde & Schwarz, Cube-Tec and Dimetis demonstrated for the first time in a live situation how to implement flexible media production and distribution. The live demo showcased a workflow orchestrated by IBM’s AREMA and Dimetis’ BOSS File Transfer Manager, calling Cube-Tec QC functions as FIMS services. In another sub-process, Cube Workflow itself calls the VENICE Media Hub from Rohde & Schwarz/DVS as a FIMS service to run format conversions.
FIMS is a royalty-free, open, easily scalable media technology, providing standardised interfaces for the automation of media processes. The open FIMS standardisation process is administered by EBU and AMWA (Advanced Media Workflow Association) and has broad support from the industry and SMPTE. Leading media business systems already use FIMS today.