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Industry experts create Virtual Production Glossary

It is intended to be a dynamic, industry-propelled effort rather than a static document with users encouraged to suggest new and updated terminology

A database that aims to establish common vocabulary across professionals working in virtual production has officially launched.

The Virtual Production Glossary has been created by the Visual Effects Society (VES), the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC), and a number of industry experts, with support from Epic Games and Netflix.

It is intended to be a dynamic, industry-propelled effort rather than a static document. Suggestions for new terms and updates to existing terms are encouraged via the website and the Virtual Production Glossary Discord community. contributor Ben Grossmann, co-founder of Magnopus, said: “Virtual production unites two different worlds in film production that have been running separately for the last couple decades. Physical and digital production can now happen together, creating a better experience for the filmmakers.

“Similarly, The Virtual Production Glossary brings the terminology of those two worlds together, shines a light on the meanings and clarifies the differences with context, so that the physical and digital crews can work together seamlessly on the same stage.”