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Surging video traffic signals a fresh approach to streaming

The Media Coding Industry Forum says operators are exploring new encoding technologies to improve management of video traffic on network resources

As more and more video content is consumed on mobile devices, there is a growing recognition that infrastructure capacity must be enhanced to accommodate the growing demand for network resources.

According to the Media Coding Industry Forum (MC-IF) in its latest industry analysis from Aytac Biber, MC-IF board member and director of product management at Qualcomm Technologies, the impact of surging video traffic on network resources and devices has prompted robust discussion on the emerging role of video codec technologies.

For the mobile industry to manage mobile network infrastructures and meet consumer demand, Biber says operators are exploring new encoding technologies like Versatile Video Coding (VVC) which offer tools that enable improved management of video traffic on their network resources. Meanwhile, an increase in the cost per gigabyte delivered is prompting mobile operators and content service providers to reduce their operational expenses and find new ways to monetise their services and experiences.

“Based on current technology and consumer trends, we are seeing projections that put the infrastructure segment of the industry toward a more mature phase where cost reduction becomes crucial,” says Biber.

“Since video is the predominant category of traffic flowing over mobile networks today, many leaders are taking a hard look at all of the benefits presented by Versatile Video Coding (VVC) because it offers a fundamental 40-50% compression gain over current generation codecs, making video files smaller and easier to store and distribute.

“Network operators need to be smarter about managing and optimising their networks to handle the increasing data traffic. Compressing video content more effectively means that network operators can significantly reduce the amount of data transmitted over their networks, thereby optimising network resources.”