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Harris Interactive launches real-time audience feedback platform

PopUP Live is built around the digital market research agency’s PopUP Community platform

Harris Interactive has announced the launch of Harris PopUP Live, an online discussion platform providing broadcasters with in-depth, real-time viewer engagement insights.

PopUP Live is built around the digital market research agency’s PopUP Community platform, first launched 18 months ago, and powered by Toluna technology.

The product allows TV, radio and online broadcasters to view reactions from viewers while a show is on the air.

Harris Interactive head of media and entertainment Denholm Scotford said: “Getting audience feedback, and capturing changes in sentiment during a show, is invaluable for broadcasters to inform editing, aid programme development and enhance audience engagement.

“Qualitative research used to mean lengthy, drawn out and expensive undertakings in order to get real feedback from real viewers, but now it’s easy and cost-effective to capture insights while a show is live, and stakeholders can view the discussion as it takes place. As a result, quicker decisions and adjustments can be made to improve viewer enjoyment and engagement.”