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Channel 4 says ads on YouTube, Facebook have less impact than TV VoD

Channel 4 has released details of its own research into the cost and impact of advertising on social video compared to TV VoD.

The research found that the true cost per thousand (or minute) for broadcaster VoD completed ads is around 20 per cent cheaper than YouTube, and a third of the cost of Facebook.

It also found that commercial broadcaster VoD delivers significantly higher engagement levels, completion rates and watch time for advertisers than VoD ads on YouTube and Facebook.

The research was conducted with independent agency GOG Research and Durham University and coupled with viewing metrics obtained from Channel 4’s own online marketing campaigns.

Other findings of the research include:

– Advertising on broadcaster VoD commands 3.5 times greater attention levels than advertising on YouTube

– Completed advertising video views are 62 per cent lower for YouTube and over five times lower for Facebook, than the channel’s own VoD All 4 ads

– Three quarters (73 per cent) of minutes ‘watching’ YouTube on tracked devices showed that the ads and videos were hidden from view due to users using them as background music playlisting behind other tasks

– 53 per cent of YouTube advertising is viewed in an attentive state, compared to over 85 per cent of viewing time to broadcaster VoD ads

– In over 30 hours of Facebook passive usage, only three commercial video ads were viewed for longer than three seconds (Facebook’s definition of a view), of which the longest was for 3.5 seconds

-Almost half of the time Facebook users were observed, they were in constant scrolling mode with just enough time to scan posts. Seven in ten of them said they actively scroll past video ads

– Ads on broadcaster VoD are more likely to be viewed in full screen, with sound, and all the way through to the end than non-broadcaster VoD

Jonathan Allan, sales director, Channel 4 said: “These research results are compelling and support what we already know to be true – that BVoD is a far more effective and efficient use of brand marketing spend than social media platforms.

“It’s particularly timely as Google and Facebook face further calls to take responsibility for brand safety and viewing measurement and should give advertisers and agencies much to consider as they evaluate their marketing mix and media investment decisions.”