The new Reel-Check Solo-QC from Cel-Soft is “a bit like a Swiss Army knife. It’s a complete toolset for both file and live production. It can also QC a tape, and captures and analyses on the fly,” said Cel-Soft Managing Director, Robin Palmer (pictured), reports David Fox. “What sets it apart is the variety of tests you can do, and its flexibility. You can set up the screen to show you just what you want it to show.” Launched at this week’s Broadcast Video Expo in London, Solo-QC is a desktop application aimed at doing quality control on particular projects and provides traditional tools, like waveform, vectorscope, parades, histograms and gamut. It also has audio monitoring, for up to 16 channels and surround sound, with loudness metering to both European and US standards, as well as the Harding test for photosensitive epilepsy, which is mandatory in the UK, plus metadata decoding & logging. All the tests (more than 32) can be done simultaneously, file-based material is analysed faster than real time (from 2x to 7x depending on hardware and file type). It can run multiple channels at once (“at least four”) depending on what hardware you run it on. It can also be used as a multiviewer, with any alarms popping up if something is wrong, and produces a full range of log reports with timecode and thumbnails. It will do batched operation of any number of sources, and can be used in a variety of places in production or post or as a networked facility. Solo-QC can also be run in automatic mode, with multiple Watch Folders, but doesn’t have the additional automation features of the fully automated versions of Reel-Check, which have been in use for several years and will be upgraded later in the year. It will be available in March either as Windows software (for £2,500) or as a turnkey system, including hardware, built to the customer’s requirements.
Cel-Soft launches versatile quality control tool
The new Reel-Check Solo-QC from Cel-Soft is “a bit like a Swiss Army knife. It’s a complete toolset for both file and live production. It can also QC a tape, and captures and analyses on the fly,” said Cel-Soft Managing Director, Robin Palmer (pictured), reports David Fox.