Media Distillery is introducing a new solution that identifies the exact start and stop times of ad breaks in broadcast video.
Ad Break Distillery enables video platform operators, service providers and broadcasters to enhance monetisation opportunities for on-demand viewing while also improving user engagement, said the company.
The solution automatically detects the beginning and end of ad breaks in live broadcast video and delivers time markers as actionable metadata.
It allows users to replace existing linear ad breaks with dynamically inserted and personalised ads for catch-up and replay, as well as offering a premium subscription that allows ad-skipping.
Other key features include repurposing broadcast content for FAST and AVoD, which the company said is extremely useful for content archives where existing ads no longer hold value; it can also be used to elevate catch-up and replay viewing experiences to be in line with OTT UX with shorter and personalised ads.
Ad Break Distillery builds on the same core technology as EPG Correction Distillery, which detects a programme’s true start and stop times, so that viewers have a VoD-like experience for catch-up and replay.
“With the ad break markers we provide, video service providers are now enabled to do dynamic ad replacement, enforce trick play restrictions during ad breaks only, and deliver novel viewing experiences,” said Roland Sars, CEO of Media Distillery.