More than three million UK households have signed up to a subscription video on-demand service in the past year according to new figures from BARB.
As part of its Establishment Survey for Q3 2020, BARB found that the number of UK households with an SVoD subscription is now 17.0 million, an increase of more than 3 million households since Q3 2019. This means that 60 per cent of UK households have access to an SVoD service.
Netflix continues to be the largest single service, increasing to 14.8m households as of Q3 2020, said BARB, while it suggests Disney Plus had reached 3.4 million households as of Q3.
Justin Sampson, BARB’s chief executive, said: “Understanding the take-up and viewing of SVoD services is high on our priority list. For many years, the Establishment Survey has provided insight into subscription levels; it’s no surprise to see these growing strongly as people have been forced to spend more time at home this year.
“Next on our to-do list is to report viewing to SVoD services, with or without their involvement. We are making great strides thanks to the installation of meters on the WiFi routers in our panel of homes. Preliminary data shows aggregate viewing levels to SVoD and video-sharing platforms, while we plan to augment these with SVoD content ratings in 2021.”