What’s your typical IBC routine: what are you there to see/learn, who are you there to meet?
My IBC routine always starts with a good espresso. A top tip; there are some top-notch baristas on the show floor. Ultimately I try to cover the entire event as best I can. This involves attending some of the main conference sessions, walking more than 20km a day trying to seek novel companies, supporting clients as well as having briefings. The impromptu meetings are always the best especially with peers like Jenny from TVBEurope.
Why is IBC important to you in a professional capacity, and how does the show compare to others on the calendar?
It remains one of the key global broadcasting events which attracts a diverse audience. For this reason it is an important show. However, there is a big question around the relevance of shows like IBC and others these days. Make no mistake, the media and broadcast industries are in a state of flux with numerous companies focused on driving efficiencies to improve profit margins. For this reason it is becoming harder for some solution providers to increase revenue, maintain existing customers and in turn close deals. Scale will be a key strategic priority forcing many to consolidate in order to better compete.
What are you most looking forward to at IBC 2023?
I’m looking forward to providing insights and commenting on what I see as the key takeaways from the event. There were intriguing snippets from NAB and it will be interesting to see what happens at IBC. This will give us a good sense to assess the general health of the industry in light of these changing and uncertain times. More importantly the future direction of travel.