A range of new features have been delivered as software updates for the VideoIPath management orchestration software and the Virtuoso software-defined media
node platform.
According to Nevion, the features are designed to deliver the convergence required by broadcasters, as IP blurs the distinction between the local area networks being deployed in their facilities, and wide area networks used for contribution, remote production and distribution.
The new release of the VideoIPath software will further extend the existing WAN-based media software-defined network capabilities into the LANs. Highlights of the release include the new Flow app and the Panel app, which provide workflow connectivity in facilities.
Nevion Virtuoso’s latest software upgrade adds studio-over-IP functionality to existing WAN capabilities, including support for the SMPTE 2110-30 (audio over IP) standard. It will also extend its support for 4K transport with TICO encoding.
The company is also showing the latest developments across its product range, including Flashlink (optical transport), Media Gateways and Ventura (encoding and transport), nSure (monitoring), cProcessor (TS processing) and VikinX (baseband and
IP switches).