PlayBox Technology is about to release SocialMediaBox, an addition to its range of broadcast TV systems which will allow production teams to incorporate comments from multiple social networking feeds quickly and efficiently into a single ready-for-broadcast stream.
“Comments can be selected and moderated from a variety of different social media outlets, integrating sources such as Facebook and Twitter on a single feed for broadcasting,” explains Plamen Georgiev, chief product officer. “This is extremely useful for live television shows which produce auxiliary-screen pages for viewer feedback. The custom feed can be output as an RSS feed and used in other systems, or sent to TitleBox or another character generator device for viewing as an integral part of the programme output.”
SocialMediaBox is controlled via a standard web browser. Operators can view preconfigured feeds from various social media sources or web sites, and drag and drop selected posts to a customised feed list. Comments in the customised feed can then be edited, checked against a profanity word-list, and published immediately (instant-publish mode) or floated until approved for publishing.
SocialMediaBox is client/server application using SQL-based data storage and supporting multi-user access as well as multiple outputs. A single application can be used across several television shows and channels. Multiple user accounts may be assigned, with each account able to create customised feeds. Access to each feed can also be configured as private, accessible by designated users or available to all users.