Orad Hi-Tec Systems has signed a new agreement with Spain’s public TV station, TeleMadrid, to supply its production studios with multiple Maestro three dimensional graphics stations. TeleMadrid is in the process of changing all of its existing graphic systems to Orad, writes Fergal Ringrose.
The plan is for Telemadrid to take advantage of Orad’s 3Designer authoring software to generate three dimensional template graphics. The templates will be available to more than 300 journalists using Avid’s iNews system. Each of the journalists will then be able to populate the templates with data and create rundowns which can be taken to air by Avid’s Control Air automation system.
Vicente Alcala Boces, of Telemadrid commented: “After long examination of various solutions in the market, we found that only Orad’s solution has answered the challenging term of providing over 300 journalists with on-air three dimensional graphic capabilities and to integrate smoothly with other technologies, while maintaining the high quality of production. In addition, Orad’s solutions provided the best workflow for the entire production-chain, from arts to play-out, and was extremely flexible and reliable”.
Avi Sharir , CEO and President of Orad commented: “Orad established itself as a key player in the 3D news graphic market with its sale earlier this year to Deutsche Welle. The sale to TeleMadrid is strengthening our presence in the news graphic market.”