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MDR automates with Aveco

Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk, the ARD station based in Leipzig in Germany, is building a new master control room, to be automated using Aveco Astra MCR technology. Aveco dealer Logic Media Solutions is working with systems integrator BFE on the solution.

Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk (MDR), the ARD station based in Leipzig in Germany, is building a new master control room, to be automated using Aveco Astra MCR technology. Aveco dealer Logic Media Solutions is working with systems integrator BFE on the solution. The new playout chains will include Omneon video servers, Miranda ImageStore switchers and Chyron graphics. The whole infrastructure is mirrored to provide complete resilience: when not in use the second chain will be used for developing and testing new workflows. The two chains can be used simultaneously without impact. To deliver the required resilience, Aveco has implemented a predictive failover algorithm, to ensure that in the case of a problem the backup system is taken within one frame. This unique capability monitors internal processes which often run abnormally before an actual failure. When this condition is seen, the backup server seamlessly takes over. Other functionality specified by MDR includes variable speed playout, for instance to speed up movie credits to fit a given time slot. The architecture of the system allows any content to be previewed and go on air while still being transferred into the playout server from an archive or central storage network. Operators can start the transfer of a clip, preview it as it transfers, and if it is correct start a simultaneous transfer to a video server for playout. MDR is the 23rd Aveco installation in Germany, which includes ARD and many of its constituent stations including NDR, WDR and SWR.