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BNN Media Group uses Quicklink Video over Ka

The BNN Media Group, based in the Scottish Highlands, used the live Video over Ka solution for the recent Dalai Lama visit to Inverness.

The BNN Media Group, based in the Scottish Highlands, has been using the Quicklink Ka network solution together with the latest Ka Band service. The independent newsgathering organisation used the live Video over Ka solution for the recent Dalai Lama visit to Inverness. BNN use both the Quicklink Mac Live and Mac Store & Forward encoding software to transmit streams back to the regional television networks of their clients. BNN’s clients include STV (Scottish TV), who has been a Quicklink customer for a number of years and has a Quicklink playout server installed in its broadcasting centre. “The Quicklink Mac Live/Store & Forward solution has opened up a whole new avenue for us, revolutionising live news broadcast as we know it,” said Bobby Nelson, director of photography, BNN Media Group. “Using Quicklink Video over Ka software systems along with our new Ka Band Satellite system gives us a full broadcast package at a budget. We can keep our prices down allowing us to compete with larger organisations in a marketplace where news budgets are being slashed left right and centre.” Prior to using the Quicklink solution live transmission was not an option for BNN due to the cost. Since implementing the solution it has opened up a whole new area of opportunity for