AVnu Alliance, an industry forum that certifies Audio Video Bridging (AVB) products for interoperability, has added broadcast infrastructure equipment developer Axon Digital Design to its membership roster. In addition, Jan Eveleens, CEO of Axon, will serve as chairman of the newly formed AVnu Alliance Pro Video Subgroup. Axon joined the AVnu Alliance as a result of the growing need for the professional video industry to adopt Ethernet – and specifically AVB – as its primary networking interface. The interoperability and functionality enabled by AVB, including low latency, time synchronisation and bandwidth reservation, are essential for video and broadcast applications. “Joining the AVnu Alliance fits very well in our history and strategy of being at the forefront of new technologies and standards in professional video,” said Jan Eveleens, CEO of Axon. “We strongly believe that networked video is the next big thing in professional video applications, and the AVnu Alliance is an excellent platform to help drive this vision towards a reality” As chair of the AVnu Alliance Pro Video Subgroup, Eveleens will work with other alliance member companies to define key requirements for AVnu certification of video products. The goal is to ensure that professional video equipment manufacturers and their customers can benefit from the performance and interoperability advantages of AVnu-certified AVB products.
“The AVnu Alliance continues to expand, and we welcome the addition of another AVnu Alliance member that is so video-centric,” said Lee Minich, Marketing Work Group chair of AVnu Alliance, and president of Lab X Technologies. “Axon’s participation has boosted our ability to support the AVB standard in the exploding networked video market.”www.AVnu.org