The hundreds of people who found the IBC IP Showcase, and sat attentively through the many presentations, have seen massive vindication to the political will behind the gathering of 52 vendors.
“Political will, passion or incentive, this is a really big step for the industry,” said AIMS chairman Mike Cronk. “The sessions were overflowing, and the people coming have been senior management and engineers interested in IP and evaluating it. There is a widespread desire for moving to IP.”
The big draw was the interoperability based around SMPTE ST 2110. “Whether it be flexibility, scalability or resilience – all the things IP brings – when people see that in action that’s when the pendulum swings, and that pendulum is really moving now,” said Cronk.
“With 2110 there is going to come a time when using it is as old hat as SDI, so that piece of IP will change over time.
The JT-NM roadmap gives us a long-term vision for getting to cloud fit and dematerialisation, and we have to do that with a standardised and open spec-based approach,” he added. “ST 2110 in terms of IP transport is foundational but there is a lot of work to do.”
The message is that the technology shaping interoperability will evolve, so gathering the clans for future showcases remains vital. Cronk, like many at IBC, wants to see a standardised way within 2110 of using compressed video over RTP.
“Some way of doing compression is totally vital,” he said.