The new MyWay Grip is a customisable setup based on a two-part, patent-pending, locking rigging system, which allows crews to put together a unique rig from fewer interchangeable parts at lower cost.
“Today stage and location set ups are getting more and more complicated and creative, often stressing out grips that are hampered by support equipment,” said Tyler Phillips, VP of marketing and product development at Matthews Studio Equipment.
The MyWay Grip uses industry-standard pins, receiver and clamps with custom connectors that attach to secure collars mounted on plates and clamps.
This allows users to reduce the amount of dedicated rigging required on set, saving space, weight and set-up time.
There are currently 13 different mounts available, from a $47 Nail-On Plate to a $140 Chain Vice Grip, and 13 attachments, including angled and straight pins, receivers and adapters.