The Digital Production Partnership (DPP), now 300+ members strong, has set up its biggest ever presence at IBC with three major working areas plus a newly signed partnership with the EBU to drive standards and interoperability together.
Explaining its ‘DPP Everywhere’ campaign, MD Mark Harrison said: “We have always worked on pieces that matter, and it feels this year that three things – cyber security, IMF for broadcast and online, and news exchange metadata – have been particularly important to people we talk to and work with.
“If you look at the range of those three pieces, there won’t be many participants at IBC who don’t have direct interest in at least one, and thats why it feels we are very firmly in the mix,” he added.
On the issue of setting standards, Harrison said:
“A standard that is a beautiful thing, but which sits on a virtual shelf somewhere, may be intellectually pleasing but it is not going to help to manage change and make the industry operate more effectively.”
“The genuine commitment now for creating constrained versions is what’s required to actually put in place real implementations,” he added. “For SMPTE to pilot specifications work is a new area of activity, and IMF Online is really exciting for both of us.”
DPP is running a cyber security session at midday today. It chose to hold the ring for a new framework for demonstrating best practice, and nine companies had signed by this morning.
“Our initiative is not about saying do this or that or you must conform to particular standards. It is all about creating a framework in which you can demonstrate you are thinking the right way about the right thing,” said Harrison