TVBEurope and MediaKind have partnered together to produce a webcast that pores over the opportunities that the streaming landscape holds for broadcasters.
Hosted in conjunction with MediaKind’s partners Lumen Technologies and Peak Signal, the webcast looks at how the importance of event-based content for channel originators, broadcasters, and content owners is on the rise, and is presenting new opportunities to increase audience share and apply new monetisation models. The panel explores those opportunities, the workflows required to enable them, and what this all means within the context of the evolution of the streaming landscape for broadcasters.
MediaKind’s new white paper, Ready. Set. Stream!, which is available to download now, addresses all of these points in further detail, and in this video we speak to the company and its media and entertainment partners to discuss the direct-to-consumer (D2C) streaming landscape, creating social viewing experiences and fan engagement, and the media tech solutions being developed by MediaKind to enable streaming for broadcasters.
Ready. Set. Stream!
MediaKind’s Ready. Set. Stream! white paper looks at how event based television is becoming increasingly important for channel originators, broadcasters and content owners. Beyond the obvious examples of sports or news, these events also include the latest release of cliff hanger dramas or millennial reality TV programmes, and the huge followings attracted by this type of programming and content are showing just how important these scheduled TV events are.
This scheduled viewing opens new opportunities to increase audience share and create monetisation opportunities. Additional content can be curated, streaming channels developed, and new shared viewing experiences can be created enabling deep fan engagement for this content. This could include use cases such as linking main screen and second screen experiences using HbbTV or fast deployment of content to social media. Monetisation options range from micro-payments for additional content or merchandise, through to personalised advertising.
These additional opportunities require new workflows that can be quickly and simply deployed through an ecosystem including acquisition, playout and graphics through to streaming and, of course, the end user experience. This is a perfect use case for an ‘as a Service’ proposition which will enable channel originators, broadcasters and content owners to create these new experiences, without an ongoing commitment.