Video is the number one driver of internet traffic, with 4K and Ultra HD helping to drive its growth, according to Cisco’s latest Visual Networking Index report.
It says the amount of traffic crossing the global internet will increase by 153 per cent to around 356 exabytes a month by 2022, with video accounting for 82 per cent of traffic.
By 2022, Cisco estimates that nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of connected flat panel TVs will support 4K. By that time, 4K-UltraHD resolution will account for 2 per cent of global internet traffic.
Traffic growth will also be driven by the proliferation of internet of things. Also by 2022, Cisco predicts that machine-to-machine modules will be located on 51 per cent of global devices, with their connections accounting for 6 per cent of global IP traffic.
According to Cisco, more traffic will cross the internet in 2022 than in the entire span of 1984-2016 combined. And in five years, 60 per cent of the world’s population will be using the internet.
“The size and complexity of the internet continues to grow in ways that many could not have imagined. Since we first started the VNI Forecast in 2005, traffic has increased 56-fold, amassing a 36 per cent CAGR with more people, devices and applications accessing IP networks,” said Jonathan Davidson, senior VP and general manager, Service Provider Business, Cisco.
“Global service providers are focused on transforming their networks to better manage and route traffic, while delivering premium experiences. Our ongoing research helps us gain and share valuable insights into technology and architectural transitions our customers must make to succeed.”