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Turner, NBCUniversal granted German licenses

Bavarian media authority BLM grants broadcast licenses for six international TV channels to both companies

Turner Broadcasting Systems Deutschland and NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland have both been granted broadcast licenses for six international TV channels each by the Bavarian media authority BLM.

Turner has been granted licenses for TCM (Ireland / Malta), TCM (Greece), TCM ( France), WBTV (France), TNT (Poland) and TNT (Romania). NBCU has been given licenses for the distribution of Syfy, E! Entertainment (French feed), 13 Ulica, SCIFI, DIVA and E! Entertainment (EURA Feed). 

BLM said all licenses have been issued subject to the pending approval of the Commission for Authorisation and Supervision (ZAK).

According to the media authority, the two broadcasters had applied for and been granted the licences as those issued by Ofcom can no longer serve as a legal basis for broadcasting in Europe once the UK has left the EU.

The headquarters of both applicants are located in Munich and the editorial decisions about their programmes are also made locally, which has led to the awarding of the licenses.