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Cameron Pace buys first Artemis Light

Calrec Audio sold its first Artemis Light console to the Cameron Pace Group on the day it was launched for use in its 3D OB vehicle.

Calrec Audio sold its first Artemis Light console to the Cameron Pace Group on the day it was launched, writes Paul Watson.

The deal was struck on the Calrec stand on the opening day of IBC between the Cameron Pace Group, John Root (business development manager at Bexel, Calrec’s distributor on the west coast of America), and Calrec’s regional director of Sales in the USA, Dave Letson.

The console is being bought as part of the upgrade to a 3D OB vehicle owned by Vince Pace and James Cameron, and will form the heart of the audio system in the vehicle, Fusion 3D Mobile Unit One, which is currently being redesigned. Using the Artemis Light means it will be capable of offering surround sound audio.

Cameron Pace Group’s approach has differed from many OB companies offering 3D broadcast facilities, in that it transmits 3D and 2D from a single OB unit, rather than adopting the more common twin-vehicle approach, which is favoured by many European OB facilities providers.

Artemis Light incorporates Bluefin2 high density signal processing and Hydra2 networking technologies in the same compact and scalable control surface used by Artemis Shine and Beam. Letson suggests that the choice of a Hydra2 console allows for a more flexible strategy regarding I/O than many 2D and 3D OB companies currently offer.

“The Cameron Pace/Bexel/Calrec relationship is further enhanced by the ability to expand the Hydra2 network and rent in extra Calrec I/O as and when the project demands it,” Letson said. “An agreement for quick-turnaround I/O rental has been reached with Bexel as part of the Artemis Light sale.”