Swedish broadcasterBonnier Broadcasting has selected Paywizard Agile to help boost its subscription-based OTT services.
It will employ the subscription, billing and CRM platform to help expand its OTT customer base through growth in video on demand (VoD) subscriptions, pay-per-view (PPV) TV and, in future, advertising-based VoD (AVoD) services
The broadcaster intends to create a single customer view (SCV) database to be able to draw on insight from all of its services. It will use Paywizard’s Decision Moments framework to prompt proactive moves at critical points in the customer journey – such as a subscribers joining a service, discovering content, upgrading or downgrading their package, or cancelling a subscription.
“Bonnier Broadcasting is looking for significant growth in subscribers and revenues, and the Paywizard Agile platform and the Decision Moments framework are perfect for achieving these goals,” says Bhavesh Vaghela, Paywizard’s chief executive. “These are exciting times for Bonnier broadcasting and we are really pleased that they have chosen Paywizard as the right partner for the next stage in the evolution of their broadcast business.”