Pebble Beach Systems has announced an order for its Neptune automation system from TV4 in Sweden — Neptune is replacing TV4’s Omnibus and Abit automation systems. TV4 transmits a total of five channels, including TV4, TV4 Film, TV4 Plus, TV400 and TV4 Fakta.
TV4 Film is already being played to air from the Neptune system while the remaining channels will migrate to the Pebble Beach system over the next few weeks.
TV4 selected Pebble Beach to provide centralised control of its multi-channel playout facility built around Omneon servers. The system is divided into two main parts to serve the differing requirements of each channel including fault tolerance, functionality and budget constraints. The two main channels, TV4 and TV4 Plus, are configured in 1+1 protection with a mirrored chain of devices and controllers for complete redundancy. The remaining channels are operated in an N+1 configuration that provides a means of protecting against failure of any of the playout devices.
Each channel at TV4 has an Eyeheight switcher, Omneon server ports, Radix Graphics engine, Cavena subtitling system and aspect ratio converter. The main TV4 channel also uses one of its internally designed tools known as Abel, which synchronises the playout of local news, programs and commercials in the different regions.