Bexel Global Broadcast Solutions, a business unit of the Vitec Group, supported some of the UK’s leading broadcasters with their extensive coverage of the General Election.
Bexel Global was called upon to supply a range of rental equipment, and operators for the political event. From the rehearsals leading up to the General Election, in addition to more than 42 hours of live results programming, Bexel Global was on site supporting four key terrestrial and satellite news broadcasters.
“In such a dramatic election, every broadcaster was vying for a poll position in the ratings war,” said Richard Satchell, managing director, EMEA, Bexel Global. “We saw immense coverage as the evening unfolded; and behind the screens, a record number of reporters, cameras and support equipment played their part in making each broadcast a success. We are delighted we were able to provide such a wide range of products and services at such a critical time for those broadcasters.”
Broadcasters such as Sky News required an expansive range of additional equipment rentals to support its wall to wall coverage. This included Autoscript’s iPad prompting solutions and its WinPlus remote system; and 26 Camera Corps Q-Ball remote camera systems, alongside two of Camera Corps weather proof camera systems.
The Q-Balls were used to capture footage for a behind the scenes look at the election, commissioned by the Sky Arts channel. The remote camera systems were positioned in several subtle locations around the Sky News building and were installed and operated by the Camera Corps team during the broadcaster’s live 24/7 news operation.
Autoscript Hire had six operators on location, with Bexel Global-owned equipment working around-the-clock for ten days of rehearsals, and the continuous live election coverage. The kit included ten Autoscript TFT on On-Camera Prompter Monitors, four On-Camera LED Teleprompters, four Winplus News systems and two Winplus Studio.
Autoscript Hire also provided equipment for the election specials of Have I Got News For You and Last Leg. The Camera Store (TCS) was also involved with supplying several different broadcasters with camera supports for the General Election, providing multiple Quattro and Osprey pedestals and heads for outside broadcasts extending from Abdingdon Green to Scotland.