Used for four interview elements per day by the IBC TV News, the VRT Live IP studio has been a focal point for the world’s broadcasters. Just before IBC, it was used to make 60 live programmes and 200 clips went on air.
The two people associated with the success of the Sandbox project – founder Michel De Wolf and lead instigator Karel De Bondt of VRT – have offered visitors a first phase in which SDI over IP is the norm, but things are moving fast.
“Today in SDI we have video and audio embedded, but we will separate them and have elementary streams, and very important is the auto discovery that will happen. Finally, I hope we will get there in virtualisation,” said De Wolf. “With SMPTE 2110, we finally have a good standard for intercommunication and transporting our live scenes.
The whole industry should embrace virtualisation.”
De Bondt said: “We have reached a milestone where we can have a fully operational TV studio. We can do sharing of equipment. As a broadcaster we now know that this technology is mature enough to use in day-to-day production.
“To transform broadcasters into the internet age, we will need IP. If you want to make TV but you want to deliver all your signals and your metadata to the end-user so that he can compile his own TV show ‘a la carte’, you want to interact with the end users.
Or you may want to use many kinds of camera sources in many formats and mix in VR; I think you need IP,” he added.