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PayWizard: Next-gen subscriber management

The focus is on subscriber management systems (SMS) at the PayWizard stand, where the company is showcasing how this technology can help pay TV platforms, MSOs and VoD service providers develop advanced TV everywhere strategies.

Visitors can see how the company supports multiscreen subscriber management and platform interoperability, as well an array of payment services, to enable operators to monetise the TV Everywhere experience.

It says that SMS are having a dramatic effect on the viability, competitiveness and profitability of pay TV service providers in an evolving market. It believes that many operators are currently evaluating how to align subscriber provisioning, billing and payment while creating compelling experiences for an increasingly diverse audience.

β€œA TV service that fails to deliver as advertised risks angry subscribers clicking on the dreaded unsubscribe or cancel subscription button,” said Jamie Mackinlay, commercial director at PayWizard. β€œTo monetise the new TV landscape, operators need to deliver content across devices, allowing consumers to access and pay for the content they want, anytime and anywhere. Operators also need to support global payments and ensure their technology is future-proofed, to make sure they can continue to deliver their services when new devices and platforms arise.”