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TV ‘needn’t bother much’ about VR in the next two years

The Digital Production Partnership (DPP) has unveiled its eight key predictions for 2017 at this year’s BVE.

Among the expected trends is the somewhat surprising announcement that TV doesn’t “need to bother too much about VR in the next two years.”

According to the DPP’s managing director Mark Harrison, “VR/AR will be most important in gaming.”

The report’s other key findings include:

Versioning will become an opportunity, not a cost: A typical Hollywood movie needs up to 400 different versions, while it is up to 100 for a TV show, making versioning a source of great complexity and cost. The move towards ‘componentised’ masters will change this, making it cheaper and easier to exploit content on multiple platforms. IMF (interoperable Mastering Format) for high-end production is now also being developed in a broadcast version for general content use.

Getting cloud ready will be a full time job: Connected and cloud-led tools and services will soon become the backbone of the media industry. But the next two years will see growing pains. The debate about working in the cloud will be over in two years time – it’s happening!

Business models will be reformed: The growth of the cloud and connectivity is already changing the way we work. Large companies will reduce their office footprint, taking advantage of greater ease of remote and mobile working. Smaller organisations will question whether to have an office at all.

Where there are people, there will be automation: In the next two years, major advances in the application if automation and machine intelligence will correlate closely with business functions that currently are people-heavy.

More content will change us all: One of the greatest business opportunities will be the fact that more video content will be created than ever before. Companies should not define themselves as TV or broadcasters anymore – now it’s media!

Connectivity will continue to constrain: The big elephant in the room. The industry wants to move to the cloud, but unless you’re a big company working in a major city, using the cloud is a struggle.Poor and expensive connectivity will hold back growth.

New content aggregators will appear – by stealth:Consumers will increasingly expect a single interface on which they can search content from different providers. That interface will in time become voice based.

The report has been compiled based on feedback from 25 invited experts from the DPP’s membership including Ooyala, ITV, BBC, Piksel, Channel 4 and BASE Media Cloud.