LG, Samsung, Sony and other manufacturers have all announced plans to put artificial intelligence capabilities into future displays during CES. The manufacturers have penned deals with Amazon, Google and others to integrate their voice-response personal assistants into various devices, reports TVTechnology. The blizzard of new—or updated—TV-related technologies unveiled at the show include “micro light emitting diode” (MLED) as an alternative to OLED and QLED, plus the latest iteration of thin “roll-up” (window shade) display panels.
Execs from the National Association of Broadcasters, Advanced Television Systems Committee and Consumer Technology Association marked the release of a suite of standards for ATSC 3.0, a next-gen broadcast platform that will support multiscreen video, Ultra HD resolution, interactivity, immersive sound and other advanced features.
OTT was once again a talking point at the Las Vegas show, as Multichannel reports. The rise of virtual MVPDs are giving programmers new ways to reach audiences, but they are also creating some concerns as their various free trial periods enable consumers to quickly switch from one provider to another.
SpotX has announced that media companies streaming video via Amazon Web Services will be able to insert ads using the SpotX platform.
And TV is still the “800-pound gorilla”, particularly when it comes to advertising, according to one of the show’s panels.