RADiCAL has announced the release of its single-camera real-time markerless motion capture solution.
The development focuses on upper body motion capture (mocap) and includes both finger tracking and higher fidelity facial mocap. Marking what the company said is a world first, the solution works with a single camera through any consumer-grade device without the need for suits, gloves or additional hardware.
Aiming to democratise mocap, the company said the upper body mode is “particularly beneficial for those with limited space or physical mobility.”
Currently in public beta testing, the cloud-based solution integrates with RADiCAL Canvas, Unreal Engine, Maya, Blender, Unity, Replikant and WebGL applications. RADiCAL will continue to optimise and fine tune the experience for users, said the company.
“Giving our users the ability to capture in 3D, and in real-time, the motion of their hands, fingers, face and upper body elevates and truly democratises motion capture – including those with mobility restrictions, who previously had limited ability to enjoy performance capture due to its conventional requirements for full body calibration,” said Matteo Giuberti, RADiCAL CTO and co-founder. “Our goal is to democratise the motion capture industry, and this means for everyone.”