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NDSatCom adds comfort to new SNG service

ND SatCom has announced a newly established technology partnership with Germany's SNG service provider, Beginning in late summer 2007, will begin a new service called "". This service, which includes a network of SNG vehicles operated by remote-control via database, will transmit TV production content via satellite.

ND SatCom has announced a newly established technology partnership with Germany’s SNG service provider, Beginning in late summer 2007, will begin a new service called “”. This service, which includes a network of SNG vehicles operated by remote-control via database, will transmit TV production content via satellite.

The “” package includes an SNG vehicle with integrated satellite uplink, satellite capacity and an operative service. ND SatCom’s part includes system integration of the SNG vehicles and provision of all software and hardware components required for network operation. operates the network and provides the network service.

ND SatCom recently delivered three SNG vehicles and a SkyWAN-based hub station to “The SNGs, operated by remote-control via database, offer the utmost level of reliability and ease of use while providing sophisticated satellite communications technology,” said Dieter Dreizler, director sales of ND SatCom. “We supply’s managed SNG fleet with standardised vehicles, which offer users the highest technical comfort. The pointing of the antenna subsystem, a SkyRAY Compact 1500, works via one-button operation.”

“That is why non-technical journalists and reporters can be on the air, start their live broadcast or access their editorial database within minutes,” added Felix Kovac, MD of “We are quite confident that this innovative service will meet market requirements and attract numerous customers within a short period of time”, he commented.

The “” service caters to broadcasters, media companies and ENG service providers in search of cost-effective live transmission via satellite uplink. The service is offered exclusively by in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Benelux countries.