London post house Caseys has become the first company in the UK to invest in FOR-A’s Hanabi HVS-1000HS digital video switcher. The purchase will help Caseys provide editing and dubbing services in SD or HD.
As Caseys Managing Director, Tony Weeks, explained: “When our old vision mixer finally bit the dust, number one on our wish list was a system that could not only service our existing clients’ SD demands but also look after the growing amount of HD work we’re getting in. Our broadcast clients have extremely high standards so we had to give them the confidence that we could handle whatever format they threw at us, and deliver the high quality programming they demand. FOR-A’s Hanabi system fit the bill perfectly.”
Simon Ellis, technical projects manager at Caseys said, “Any input can be quickly routed through the in-built DVE for quick aspect changes and repositioning. There was also the added ability to be able to perform complex 3D transitions. Additionally we selected the colour corrector option to be able to colour grade or legalise any input.
“All of the main function menus can be accessed by pressing the relevant button, so there is no hunting through menus,” said Ellis. “In an edit environment this is essential. Presets can also be stored, whether they are transitions or DVE moves. To be able to recall frequently used effects during an ongoing edit is again essential.”