An IP interface has been released for Multicam’s integrated video production systems. It will work with any currently available PTZ camera, allowing the systems to receive IP video streams directly from a local area network without any additional hardware or software.
Moving to IP also reduces the size and cost of the central server, as all video streams and PTZ camera control are managed over the network without the need for special IT equipment. Customers retain the flexibility to use IP or SDI for each input in mixed camera environments.
The interface is particularly useful for visual radio applications using Multicam Radio, or in classrooms, corporate AV environments and theatres or auditoriums using Multicam Conf, Multicam E-Learning or Multicam Tracking to produce and stream lectures, presentations and events.
Paul Stewart, director of business development, Multicam Systems, said: “The flexibility and freedom of using IP PTZ cameras means our customers can both enhance services and simplify operations.”
“On a corporate or educational campus or in a large broadcast facility with multiple studios, our customers can more easily distribute cameras across many locations, and bring more content onto the network,” he continued.
“Since everything runs on standard network cable, we can significantly reduce the number of cables and associated clutter common in strictly SDI systems.”