How long have you been going to IBC?
20+ years!
What’s your typical IBC routine: what are you there to see/learn, who are you there to meet?
My IBC schedule is normally fully booked in advance and I struggle every year to have the equivalent of a few hours to visit other stands.
Why is IBC important to you in a professional capacity, and how does the show compare to others on the calendar?
It is a unique opportunity to meet many people in a few days and organise get-togethers with large numbers of colleagues.
What are you most looking forward to at IBC2024?
Our EBU CTO meeting; And the launch of our 100-year anniversary of EBU Technology & Innovation. Many of the world’s most recognisable media organizations have roots that go that far back.
What’s your top tip for anyone attending IBC for the first time?
Prepare in advance by defining your agenda and visiting plan. And wear comfortable shoes!