European production companies supply 27 per cent of the continent’s VoD film content, according to the latest report from the European Audiovisual Observatory.
The Origin of Films in VoD Catalogues in the EU, an 84-page analysis of the VoD and SVoD market in Europe, was drafted for the European Commission.
In comparison to the 27 per cent in Europe, 59 per cent of US of VoD content was found to be American.
Thirty per cent of SVoD content in Europe was also revealed to be of European origin, compared with 60 per cent for US films.
The report was compiled to provide an overview of the share of films by country of origin/country of production on 75 different transactional VoD services and 16 SVoD services.
The analysis included both national and pan-European players such as iTunes, Netflix, or
Five different categories of origin were defined; national, EU28, (broader) European, US and international, resulting in a snapshot analysis of 135,782 films.