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Top tips for attending IBC2024

With the countdown to IBC2024 almost over, TVBEurope offers top tips from people who attended 20+ times, or just once, as a guide for both before and during the show.

Jenny Priestley, TVBEurope

Take two pairs of shoes so you can wear them on alternate days. You’re either going to be doing a lot of walking or standing, so it will help your feet.

Lip balm and hand cream – the aircon will get you in the end, and you’ll be shaking lots of hands.

Margot Ouali, Appear

IBC offers a vast and diverse range of exhibitors, so we encourage everyone to take the time to walk the different halls, discover new technologies, meet new people, and get inspired. It’s a maze of innovation, and there’s always something new to see.

If you’re looking for something specific, make a list of the stands you want to visit and the people you want to meet. The pace at IBC is fast, and without a plan, you could easily miss out on valuable opportunities.

Susie Halder, Waysu Marketing & PR

As a PR professional representing multiple exhibitors, I have been caught out in the past when it comes to booking ‘my next meeting’ in a distant hall from the previous one. I’ve found myself sprinting between halls to get to appointments – it’s not only tiring, but it’s also really inefficient – time spent sprinting is valuable time lost with your clients/partners/press/industry friends! Make sure you plan your meetings strategically – stick to booking meetings in one hall for a few hours at a time if you can. Hopefully you won’t see me running around too much this year!

Becky Taylor, Page Melia PR

Plan your meetings wisely! View the floorplans either online or via the IBC App before confirming your meetings to ensure that you are not walking back and forth between halls all day. Your feet will thank you. 

Buy a keg of beer at the beach, it’ll save you time queuing and industry chums patiently waiting in line for a beer will appreciate the opportunity to join you.

Fiona Blake, Page Melia PR

Re-usable water bottles. Hopefully the RAI is as good as the LVCC for water stations this year.

The Beach. One of the best places to network. If you’re not going for even just one drink, then you’re missing out.

Umbrella/Waterproof. If you think the weather in the UK is inconsistent then you’ve not been to Amsterdam!

Lip balm. Never underestimate the pain of chapped lips due to air con/dehydration.

Raj Patel, Mediaproxy

Eat breakfast at your accommodation and carry protein bars, as you never know when you will eat again during the day

Chris Smeeton, Argosy

Amsterdam at IBC week is great fun but by the end, I feel like my body is instructing me to slow down.  My personal rule is, if I get a chance for an early night, take it. It will pay dividends later in the week.

Many of us have partners at home overseeing family life, while we are enjoying ourselves at IBC. I always make a point of bringing my wife and children a gift back and also try and do something nice as a family the following weekend, just a small thank you for their support.

Ivy Cuervo, Dejero

Have a water bottle with you at all times to stay hydrated, wear layers as the aircon is sometimes too much and sometimes not enough. Top up your energy levels with cereal bars, fruits or snacks – and most importantly, smile – a friendly face can mean the difference between connecting and not connecting.

Sunny Branson, Wall Street Communications

Carry a light load! Trust me, it will get heavier and heavier as the day goes on.

Petrus Palola, hi human interface

A big box of multivitamin tablets is a must for me. I have to start the day with something other than coffee (which I’m sure almost everyone overdoses from during the show).

Kendall Farnsworth, Sonnet Technologies

Bring a dedicated bag and a pen to collect and organise business cards exchanged at IBC. I recommend writing a brief note on each card to recall key details of the conversation once you’re back home. Additionally, keeping the cards consolidated in one place helps prevent them from getting lost in my purse or wallet. This system made it easier to review and follow up on them later. 

Karina Silva, Black Box

Get to the show early each day! This lets you check in before everyone arrives and take the time to get oriented and focus on the day’s goals (and grab a coffee!).

Jason Friedlander, Livepeer

The fries stand is a hidden gem for a quick bite without regrets. It’s perfect for keeping you fueled during the long days at IBC. And don’t be shy about using the chat and cut to get closer to the front of the line if you spot someone you know move; it’s all part of the show experience!

Anne-Louise Buick, Platform Communications

Ensure your LinkedIn page is up to date and your virtual profile reflects and supports your current areas of focus. Virtual impressions are as important as in-person first impressions, given we all head to LinkedIn as part of our post-show follow-up.  

Photograph your receipts as you go, and if you have an expenses App upload them in real time.  It’s incredibly satisfying to be able to send in your expense report before you’re even home.

Rose Sponder, SDVI

This tip is for the chronically jet-lagged: bike to and from the show. Amsterdam is built for cyclists, and your map app will tell you how to get where you’re going. The fresh air and exercise work wonders for getting you on a local schedule. And who wants to wait for an Uber anyway?

Dave Dembowski, Operative

 This year, many exhibitors will be touting new AI features. IBC is the perfect time to get a demo to see what AI can really do to accelerate your business workflows. Take time to visit vendors and get a deeper understanding of the incredible automation, analytics and strategic value AI is delivering today.

Zuzanna Lenart, Pebble

You’d think with just days to go until IBC, everything would be ready, and it’d just be about those final touches (trust me, I thought so too a few months ago!). But the reality is always different. My pro tip? Don’t chase perfection – leave room for the unexpected. A flexible attitude is your best tool for making the most of IBC!

Daniel Lundstedt, Intinor

Think of IBC as a marathon, not a sprint—especially when you’re an exhibitor. A solid breakfast sets the tone for the day, because running on empty just won’t cut it when you’re talking to customers and visitors non-stop. Bonus: it’s also a great excuse to sneak in a few Stroopwafels!

Adam Leah. nxtedition

Make sure to pick up your free transport pass from one of the RAI Information Points, it’s valid throughout the show and is really useful for getting around Amsterdam. And don’t forget to download the IBC app— it’s the easiest way to find your way around and check who’s where and what’s on at the show.

Mark Birchall. Tradefair

Check the weather forecast before you travel to IBC. This will help you pack the right essentials. 

Amsterdam has a great network of trams, trains, metro and ferries. Make sure you pick up the free transport ticket at IBC for the metro and tram but remember you can’t use this when travelling by train to the airport. Taxis are expensive. IBC operate a free bus to the airport that leaves from outside the RAI.

To avoid disappointment book tables at restaurants especially if you are with a large group. 

Marc Wilson, Glensound

Many people go to IBC with a plan. I would recommend leaving an amount of your schedule unplanned, to allow you to look for hidden gems around the smaller stands along the edges of the halls.

I don’t believe you need to ‘survive’ IBC, you enjoy it!  You meet experts in many technologies, get to find out about new technical developments, and maybe meet up with some friends along the way.  As many of our partners say, ‘we’re off on holiday again!’

Moe Lokat, 202 Communications

Take some time to review the exhibitor list and schedule before you go, so you can prioritise your goals. This way, you’ll have a loose plan to keep you on track, even with all the distractions at a show like IBC! 

Stay hydrated by grabbing water whenever you can, and don’t follow Gordon Gekko’s advice about lunch. He said it’s for wimps, I say it’s essential. Do not underestimate the importance of a break to recharge and gather your thoughts. 

Lastly, have a notebook or your phone ready to jot down important contacts and insights; you’ll be meeting people on the move, and you don’t want to miss capturing valuable information.

David Edwards, Net Insight   

The one thing that is key for anyone visiting IBC is to ASK QUESTIONS. For those manning a booth, asking questions will help you uncover what your visitor’s needs are and can lead you to a great conversation about how your organisation can potentially help.

 For a visitor, good or even bad questions will help you understand what is on offer so you can discover what is new and if it is relevant to you. Don’t hold back! That is, after all one of the key points about IBC. Each year the industry adapts and changes. There is always something new!

Paolo Cuttorelli, Evergent

My must-haves are an always-topped-up bottle of water, a nutrition bar or some fruit in my work bag for on-the-go energy, good walking shoes that fit the ‘business casual, but comfy’ motif, a notepad and a couple of pens. I also ensure my itinerary is planned out weeks in advance with a game plan of booked meetings built around my ‘can’t-miss’ sessions. And, for anybody who’s never been to Amsterdam before – and even those who’ve visited this gorgeous city multiple times – you’d be crazy to waste this opportunity to mix in some fresh-air-gathering strolls, especially hitting the Canal Belt – or Grachtengordel – in the early morning hours before the neighbourhood is packed with tourists by 10 am.

Simon Parkinson, Dot Group

Don’t underestimate the educational value of IBC. The conference’s theme, ‘Content, collaboration and creativity: navigating a new media landscape,’ offers a wealth of insights. Balance your time between the exhibition floor and the conference sessions – the perspectives you gain could reshape your media worldview. And don’t miss the tech zones – they’re where you’ll see the future of our industry taking shape.

Daniella Weigner, Cinegy

My top tips for IBC: Stay outside central Amsterdam for a quieter experience, aim to be in bed by 11pm, and limit yourself to two and a half glasses of wine maximum. For getting around, trains are fine, but be cautious with trams, especially at night – opt for official taxis or rideshares instead. Your safety is paramount, so always stay alert in unfamiliar areas.

Fabio Varolo, FOR-A Europe

Take advantage of pre-show webinars and virtual tours offered by exhibitors. They’re excellent for getting a preview of innovations and planning your visit efficiently. Once at IBC, prioritise live demonstrations – they often reveal insights you can’t get from brochures alone.

Russell Johnson, Hitomi

Plan your IBC schedule in advance, but leave room for unexpected opportunities. Some of the most valuable connections happen spontaneously. And in our fast-paced industry, good time management is crucial – both at the show and in your daily operations!

Thomas Kramer, MainConcept

Rent a bicycle and at night time find one of the many quiet places along the canals to experience the silence, with the little burbling of the water and the distant chatter of people in their houses or bars enjoying life. The atmosphere around the canals is what makes this city so special, so you must go out and feel it.

Geoff Gordon, MainConcept

Attending IBC for any amount of time can be intense. I try to step outside every few hours to remind myself that I am in this amazing city. And the best thing I did during IBC2023 was rent a bike to ride to and from the RAI each day, as well as around the city when able. I am planning to do the same this year.

Stefan Jonas, MainConcept

Just one thing: shoes! If you walk the floor all day, you need shoes that you know you can walk in without any issues for the whole time. Do not buy shoes before IBC, especially if you wear business shoes. Try them out before the show so you know you can run with them for four full days without any problems. Having blisters and running from one hall to the next for meetings is the least you need to have a successful and fun show.

Sarah Thomas, Radical Moves

Having attended IBC for the first time last year, my advice would be to make sure you find some landmarks in the halls so that you know where you are and can locate the places you need to be quicker. It might be a particularly colourful booth or a mascot on someone’s stand, or maybe your favourite eatery. With so many halls you’ll find this useful to reset yourself rather than going round in circles. Don’t rely on the floor signage and the way the booths are numbered as I found out last year this is just not logical or even numerical.

Helen Reynolds, Radical Moves

Try not to carry too much and wear comfortable shoes! IBC is a maze of stands and halls so make sure you’re comfortable and hydrated because you’ll be doing a LOT of steps!! It’s also good to have a plan of who you want to visit so you can group your stand calls into areas and so you’re not having to walk from one hall to another and back throughout the day.

Helen Weedon, Radical Moves

When you are planning your schedule, don’t underestimate the time it takes to get between halls. And definitely plan in time for lunch and coffee (or tea) breaks, you will definitely need the caffeine / sugar boost to keep you going!

Lelde Ardava, Veset

Come well rested since you’ll need a lot of attention and energy, wear comfortable shoes, drink plenty of water and allow yourself to go out time to time in order to recharge yourself.

Kieran Kunhya, Open Broadcast Systems

A packet of stroopwafels is not a substitute for lunch!

Martin Riley, 7fivefive

Find the stand with the best carpet.

Ryan Launchbury, 7fivefive

Wear comfy trainers.

Catriona Tate, Accedo

Have a plan of what you want to achieve/see at the show in advance. And whilst in the conference halls, do get out, get some daylight, eat healthy food and drink plenty of water.

Know how you’re going to get home at the end of the evening. Rise Safe Car initiative for women is worth considering.


Head to one of three central city locations, show your IBC badge, and hop into one of our dedicated Rise vehicles (Mercedes V class minivans). You might even share the ride with fellow Rise members, ensuring camaraderie and security.

Available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings during IBC, from 22:00 to 02:00, at three major points across the city:

– Clayton Hotel Amsterdam American (around the corner of the Leidseplein),
– Amstel (at the corner of Keizergraacht near Bridge 036),
– Barbizon Palace Hotel (in front of the Central Station).
Join us in making IBC2024 a safe and welcoming experience for all! The Safe Car Initiative is generously sponsored by Lawo.

Costa Nikols, Telos Alliance

Avoid breaking in new shoes during the event—comfort is key! Also, pack an umbrella, as unpredictable weather can catch you off guard. Be cautious when crossing intersections, as bikes are everywhere and you don’t want an accident. 

Don’t forget to pick up your Free Travel Pass at any IBC Information point, granting you access to trains and trams. 

Download the IBC 2024 app to easily navigate the floor plan right from your phone. If you have meetings off your stand, allow yourself at least 15 minutes to get there. Take plenty of pictures—label them with names and unique details so you can follow up later.

Keep hydrated, and include fibre in your meals to stay energized throughout the day. Most importantly, enjoy the show and love what you hear!

Connie Petrides, LTN

IBC brings together so many thought-leaders and innovators making it the perfect platform to share ideas and explore new possibilities. Ensure you make the most of networking at the show as you’ll never know what opportunities may open up just by having a conversation.