Bectu, the union for creative ambition, has responded to the UK General Election.

Bectu represents more than 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainment industries. In a statement, Philippa Childs, head of Bectu, said:
“We welcome news of a new government and the promise of change to a party who recognises the huge contribution the creative industries make towards the economy and appreciates that they are a key sector for the future.
“After seemingly endless political shrill surrounding the BBC, we’re pleased to have a party in power that won’t use our world-class public service broadcaster as a political football. It’s essential that Labour understands the key role the BBC plays in the delicate ecosystem of the creative industries, and its importance as an incubator of skills and talent.
“We’ve been pleased to see Labour’s commitment to championing access to the arts for all, and backing this up with a strong plan for developing skills, opening up apprenticeships and improving workers’ rights.
“We hope this translates into a fruitful relationship with ourselves and other trade unions as we continue to work to tackle some of the pressing issues facing the creative industries – sustained funding, improved rights for freelancers, and more sustainable working patterns and conditions.”