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RCS & RDS Romania chooses Quantel for HD news

Romania's leading provider of TV, internet and telephony services, RCS & RDS, has bought Quantel Enterprise sQ HD production systems for news production.

Romania’s leading provider of TV, internet and telephony services, RCS & RDS, has bought Quantel Enterprise sQ HD production systems for news production, writes David Fox.

This includes a large central sQ at its Bucharest HQ, and three further sQ systems for its regional studios. Regional users will be able to access and work with content created in Bucharest using Quantel’s QTube technology, which will enable them to access and edit content anywhere via the internet.

The Bucharest system has 850 hours of HD workspace, supporting 35 journalist edit stations, eight Final Cut Pro editors and two of Quantel’s new GPU-powered Qube craft editors.

The system is integrated with a 70-seat ENPS newsroom system, each seat with a Quantel sQ View application running in an ActiveX window so that journalists can view and edit Quantel media within the ENPS interface.

Quantel’s Mission integrated media asset management takes care of scheduled recordings, file import from third-party agencies and contributors, and export of finished content to websites and other RCS & RDS partners. Mission will also be integrated with a large data archive so that journalists can quickly find historical media relevant to their story.

The three regional systems provide local programming and opt outs from the main rolling news transmitted from Bucharest. These systems have five desktop editors, a craft editor, file and video ingest and playout.

“Quantel was the obvious choice,” said Alexandru Oprea, CEO of RCS & RDS. “They have a reputation for quality and great performance, and can also meet our demanding roll-out plan. Also QTube opens up highly productive and creative workflow possibilities for us; it means we can produce more informed and engaging news for our viewers.”

RCS & RDS provides telecommunications services in Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Spain and Italy for residential and business users. It has developed its own optical fibre telecoms infrastructure to deliver cable TV services, internet, mobile and fixed telephony, and offers 4play in Romania, 3play in Hungary and Slovakia, mobile telephony in Spain and Italy, and satellite television in all its markets.