Amagi is providing cloud-based broadcast services for The Young Turks’ new linear channel, TYT Network.
The channel launched on YouTube TV on 17th May. The linear network’s news and factual entertainment programming aims to provide diverse perspectives that are not represented on traditional cable news networks. It generates more than 200 million views a month.
“Launching on YouTube TV is a major milestone for TYT. On the technology end, this was made possible by Amagi with its innovative cloud playout platform and services,” said Jack Gerard, chief administrative officer at TYT.
“Our 24/7 TV channel includes several hours of live programming per day, and Amagi makes it easy to air live as well as non-live content side-by-side to create a robust viewing experience on live TV services.”
“We expect more digital content owners to add linear TV channel offerings on top of their existing VOD service,” added Deepakjit Singh, CEO, Amagi. “Amagi’s zero Capex and low Opex model along with superior cloud technology capabilities are an unbeatable combination to power linear broadcast on live TV services.”