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CNN London adopts IDS from IPE

Intelligent Display System is being used as part of a designated "self-op" area

IPE’s Intelligent Display System (IDS) has been successfully deployed at CNN’s London bureau.

In order to simplify a variety of workflows, CNN London opted to use IDS as part of a designated “self-op” area, a small space where a range of camera, lighting, and audio could be readjusted to suit the requirements of individual presenters.

IDS can also be used as a highly tailorable camera control system that could automate the self-op area processes and make short pieces to camera a completely user-driven exercise. The touch panel system provides users with a greatly simplified interface that allows them to set up the self-op studio quickly.

The system is also steadily being adopted by other regional CNN facilities including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Hong Kong.

“Word about the London system soon got around within the CNN community, and before we knew it we were devising IDS systems for other CNN locations, but often for quite different uses,” said IPE head of sales Reuben Such. “Part of the beauty of IDS is that it is so flexible and easily configured that it can not only provide a wide range of useful information highly specific to the users’ re-equipments, but automate a wide range of multiple, often time-consuming tasks, resulting in a greatly improved internal workflow.”

Such added: “The use of IDS displays and power management systems tend to grow organically. Once they make ingress into a broadcast ecosystem, they become systemic and virtually impossible to live without. Fortunately, it’s not something anyone wants to live without once they see what IDS can do.”