The L-S-B Broadcast Technologies-manufactured VSM control system is being used by German TV channel ZDF in its new Mobile Production facility, MP-6. In collaboration with Mainz-based system integrator BFE Studio and Media Systems, L-S-B project engineers commissioned the OB truck in Lerchenberg at the end of January.
The Virtual Studio Manager (VSM) takes over the control, management and supervision of the video, audio, KVM, remote and timecode routers in the OB truck. The transfer of signal names to multiviewers, monitors, video and audio consoles in the MP-6 is also carried out by the higher-level control system.
The VSM control system runs on two HP servers and is therefore assembled redundantly. This means all operations run parallel on two servers that synchronise one another mutually as a server cluster. In case of a server failure, the second server automatically takes over all functions smoothly. Apart from the high level of availability, the advantages of this redundant system layout including the ability to carry out maintenance work on the servers and software updates without the need to shut the system down.
The MP-6’s medium-sized Virtual Studio Manager allows up to 3,072 signal paths to be controlled, managed and supervised centrally at a freely configurable user interface. The Nvision 8500 central video router, the Nvision CR3232 broadcast router and the Lawo mc²66 mixing console are connected directly via TCP/IP connections, whereby the VSM provides crosspoint control. Tally control and label transfer are available at the Snell Kahuna video mixer via the SWP08 protocol. In addition, Miranda multiviewers (Kaleido Densité and Kaleido X) with UMD and tally control are connected serially via so-called CommServers. The central components of the MP-6 that are controlled by the VSM include the Snell Freeway router and the Nevion SL D32 router, where the VSM provides crosspoint control as well.
The higher-level control system from L-S-B is also responsible for the joystick override control for the video section, CSU monitoring, mixer backup, and display and GPI control. Features such as Pseudo Devices and Storage Groups provide functions including audio-follow-video and storing and loading production set-ups.
The operating staff are currently being trained by L-S-B engineers in March and April at the Lerchenberg site.