Vizrt has introduced a new sports analysis tool, Libero Playbook, which is claimed to offer 3D graphics game analysis in less than 60 seconds, writes Adrian Pennington. It is a new version of the analysis tool Libero Highlight, but offers faster turnaround to air times of 30-60 seconds
“Instead of a typical replay, Libero Playbook provides users with the option of telling the viewer at home exactly why a player’s movement disrupted his team’s entire offensive – or why a tiny movement of the ball prevented his defence from conceding,” explained LiberoVision CEO, Stephan Würmling Stadler.
“The product is our direct response to a huge demand in the market. We feel confident that both new and existing customers will appreciate the extra dimension it adds to in-game analysis.”
Vizrt acquired the Swiss-based LiberoVision last November and is still incorporating the technology into Vizrt workflows. For example Vizrt now offers an interactive sports studio application enabling the Viz Engine renderer to interact with Libero Highlight clips. Analysts and presenters can interact with the Libero clips using a touch screen and, for example, show arrows on the field, highlight certain players, and describe their movement, all in perspective and tied to the field.
With this product integration, sportscasters can deliver Libero clips, with defined starts/stops and annotations, into the Vizrt workflow. They can then control the playback of the clips from any Vizrt control software and play it out, embedded in graphics, through the Viz Engine. Metadata, such as short text, can be exported and then rendered by Viz Engine. LiberoVision analysis can be displayed on video walls, as part of virtual sets and can be distributed to mobile devices by using the device-optimized delivery of video to all devices.