Calrec Artemis Light digital audio consoles have been included in the outfitting of The Public Television of Russia’s new Moscow facility. The consoles are being used in every studio to produce audio for news, cultural and magazine programmes.
The Public Television of Russia purchased four Artemis Light consoles with 32 faders and Hydra I/O boxes. The consoles are connected by Calrec’s Hydra2 plug-and-play audio routing system. The consoles allow each studio to handle different programmes, making the studio more efficient. Multiple connected desks give The Public Television of Russia complete redundancy for maximum uptime, and networked Stageboxes in each studio aim to give extra flexibility across the facility.
“With the Calrec desks, we can configure in any combination we need for any production and send any source to any output of any console, so we can easily pass productions from one studio to another with full redundancy of interfaces, Hydra connections, and consoles,” said Pavel Ozhiganov, chief technical director of The Public Television of Russia. “A decentralised system makes it possible for us to connect our mics anywhere in the Hydra network to create ‘interstudio’ productions.”
“The Public Television of Russia studios were built from the ground up for maximum flexibility and efficiency, and it’s gratifying that Calrec played such an important role in that design,” said Michael Reddick, European sales manager.
Systems integrator Professional Television Systems handled the project, including system design, training, delivery, and support.