Solid State Logic has deepened its support for workstation users with the purchase of Sydec Audio Engineering NV, developers of the Soundscape range of workstation partner products.
SSL’s own workstation production toolkit has grown in the past twelve months to encompass controllers, analogue & digital rack processors and plug-ins. The acquisition has perfect synergy with SSL’s commercial and technical development path, as the Soundscape team brings significant PC platform development experience to SSL. The combination of these skills with SSL’s digital and analogue expertise will allow the development of exciting new tools for existing and new applications.
The relationship also opens new commercial channels and allows a broader range of SSL and Soundscape products to be distributed around the world, delivering SSL’s established brand values to a wider range of users. SSL’s recent investments in renewing the hardware and software of its manufacturing technology and updating its manufacturing processes will also bring significant benefits to both companies, ensuring that high standards of quality and delivery are maintained as volumes are increased.
Commenting on the new opportunities offered by the deal, Sydec’s General Manager, Erik Wijnen, enthused: “It’s amazing to have access to the full range of resources of a great company like SSL. This will allow us to work with the SSL team to focus on new ideas for products and expand the team here at Sint-Niklaas in Belgium. I feel sure SSL will enhance our productivity through its great brand, market understanding and presence.”
Affirming this enthusiasm and putting the arrangement in strategic perspective, SSL’s Managing Director, Antony David, stated: “This is an excellent fit for SSL and supports our concept of providing quality tools for the DAW environment. We’re committed to working with a range of companies to improve and democratise the creative process and this gives us a great opportunity to accelerate our involvement.”