Greek broadcaster Skai Channel has undergone a major upgrade of its facilities in Athens. The new News Studio has been equipped with two Barco HD-capable Video Wall Displays as a background to the presenters driven by Geevs MR+ servers from Gee Broadcast Systems.
Skai contacted Gee Broadcast in late September after hearing of a similar installation that Gee Broadcast had provided for the BBC in London. The requirement for Skai in Athens was to provide six HD channels playing out to the Barco screens in DVI format. The clips had to be frame accurately locked to provide the appearance of a single image,while under control from a simple user interface.
Clips or stills for playout on the Geevs servers can either be imported via CD/DVD or Ethernet from the production team or captured directly as HD-SDI video. Skai uses two Matrox Axio HD editing systems to produce the graphics.
Nick Millas, General Manager Technical Operations of Skai said, “Gee Broadcast understood what we needed and were able to respond very quickly when contacted them. The Video Wall is a key part of our News Studio and we needed an operationally simple but effective solution.”