Belgium’s national French-speaking broadcaster, RTBF (Radio Télévision Belge de la communauté Française), has opted to use ATEME’s advanced encoding platform to handle video contribution duties in its DSNG (Digital Satellite News Gathering) vehicles.
The ATEME deployment is part of RTBF’s ongoing migration to HD, starting with two of the DSNG vehicles.
RTBF evaluated encoders from several leading vendors but selected ATEME’s because of their ‘superior interoperability and future proofing’.
“What impressed us most about ATEME was the interoperability,” said RTBF broadcast engineer Kevin Preumont. “We tested an ATEME contribution pair with equipment from American, European and Japanese vendors and it never failed. This is very important for us because we don’t know which equipment our colleagues will use for satellite transmission.”
Other specific strengths of the ATEME solution cited by RTBF included general flexibility/value for money, support of BISS (Basic Interoperable Scrambling System) and future-proofing – in particularly, the ability of the ATEME encoders to support the 4:2:2 10-bit H.264 encoding standard. Like a number of other broadcasters, RTBF will not be using 4:2:2 10-bit H264 encoding immediately, but plans to do so in the future. The RTBF ATEME deployment is said to represent the first deployment of MPEG-4 4:2:2 10-bit capable encoders in Belgium.