Prime Focus has provided the full post production including stereoscopic conversion, for a 90-second film for Sochi Winter Olympics’ Official Timekeepers, Omega. The film will be used at the event and subsequently by Omega throughout the world.
CG supervisor on the project was Andy McNamara, with Scott Simmonds lead 2D. McNamara also created the additional 3D particle/simulation work for the ice effects in Maya and Houdini. The footage was produced using a combination of cameras including Phantom Flex, for the slow-motion shots.
“Our job was to enhance what was already shot in camera and augment it with elements such as banners, clocks, graphics and optical flares,” commented McNamara. “Many of the close-up shots of the blades hitting and travelling along the ice didn’t have enough impact, so we created additional CGI ice-shard and particle elements to heighten the drama and give some depth to the shots. Scott and Alex did a fantastic job on the 2D work and it was great working with Barry O’Brien and his team on the 3D-Stereo version – a truly collaborative process!”
The stereoscopic conversion was completed by Barry O’Brien at Prime Focus’s specialist View-D facility. “The early discussions with the director and the Quite Frankly team really paid off in creating a film perfect for 3D,” said O’Brien. “Our involvement started at the storyboard stage, and continued through edit and grade. By collaborating so early in the process, we were able to help ensure that the spot looked fantastic when converted to 3D.”
The Quite Frankly team added: “It was great to work with Prime Focus. Their expertise in both VFX and 3D was invaluable. Their involvement before the shoot started ensured we got the best out of every single shot, resulting in a beautiful film.”