With Red Bee Media set to launch a new HD channel in May in preparation for the World Cup, Pixel Power has announced that two of its Clarity 5000 SD/HD hybrid graphics systems will be driving the visuals.
The HD channel launch follows the success of the two companies’ proof-of-concept HD test channel showcased at IBC2005 and is to use MPEG4 encoding for superior reception. Red Bee is also to use content originally captured in HD rather than up-resing content originally captured in SD to HD. The Clarity 5000s will be powering the display of captions, scores, logos and statistics throughout the competition.
“Pixel Power has the longest history of HD character generator development and makes the ideal partner for this landmark HD launch,” says Red Bee Media CTO Chris Howe. “Our initial trial enabled us to gain valuable insight into the viability of various formats and operating processes and positioned us to pioneer HD best-practice.”
“Pixel Power understands the importance of creating original graphics in HD for HD transmission,” added Pixel Power managing director, James Gilbert. “Red Bee and Pixel Power have already demonstrated that their technology is ready to fulfil HD ambitions and I look forward to providing HD graphics to broadcasters across the UK and around the world.”